

Every true member of the church has become so by the sovereign calling of God and regenerating work of the Holy Spirit. It is God the Father who calls us out of darkness and translates us into the Kingdom of His dear Son. We take membership in the church to be a weighty matter. All that are “the called out ones” are in relationship with God through the “New Covenant” made in the blood of Jesus Christ our Lord. So, we believe in “covenant membership” and ask all members to join by covenant. This requires that all matters of church life are to be considered thoughtfully and with genuine concern. We are joined together by the Spirit and are responsible to care for one another in love and to support the ministry through attendance, prayer, and giving.


In order to preserve the purity and unity of Christ’s church, we must be diligent, with the means given by God, to insure a regenerate membership. This requires us to get to know every individual desiring membership, witness their life in Christ, and provide them every opportunity to observe the doctrine and functions of the church. Because of this diligence, the following are necessary to become a member:

  • Have a credible testimony of the Lord’s saving grace
  • Lead a life consistent with godliness and submission to Christ
  • Baptism, by immersion performed by an ordained pastor
  • Not be under the discipline of another church
  • Complete our 7-week Membership class
  • Agree with and sign the Church Covenant