
Worship of the Heavenly Father, through Jesus the Son, by the Holy Spirit who empowers and indwells His covenant people, is the highest purpose we can ever aspire unto. As there is no greater task on earth or in heaven, we rejoice in the charge to gather ourselves together for this sole purpose. We will not let the rocks take our place in crying out to exalt and praise our great God!

As great a privilege as worship is, we also realize that we come before the infinite God that made the universe by His Word. We serve a risen Savior that defeated Satan, destroyed sin and it’s dominion, and conquered the grave. The God we worship is the same God whose presence caused thundering, lightning, and earthquakes at Mount Sinai. In Christ, we now come with overwhelming thankfulness, full assurance, and reverence and awe because of who HE IS.

What to Expect

We embrace the fact that God calls His people from every nation, tribe, and tongue. We desire that every person present would hear the Word and worship in song with full understanding and profit from it, so every song is sung, every Scripture is read, and everything taught or preached is in both languages. It may be a little strange to visitors at the first, but it quickly becomes the norm, and quite a beautiful norm at that. This unique approach allows Trinity to be ONE body and not worship in segregated services.

  • Our services are livestreamed and can be viewed on our Facebook page.
  • Sermons can also be downloaded from our SermonAudio page


We are very intentional in the songs we incorporate into the Worship services. They must be doctrinally biblical and full of truth. It should be the lyrics of the song that stirs the heart, and not the music itself. The music however should be beautiful and should be appropriate for what is being sung.


God has reserved the right to demand how He must be worshipped. We look to the Scriptures to regulate the “what” we do, and the manner and attitude in which worship is offered unto the Lord. Christ and His Word must be preeminent and so we read, sing, pray, and preach the Word. The elements in our worship service are also ordered in such a way as to demonstrate the dialogue of worship between God and His covenant people; He speaks truth and grace and we respond with reverence and loving obedience.